Business Started
7th of July, 2020
(3 years 8 months old)
Assets Included in the Sale
This listing is for an Amazon KDP business created in July 2020 selling fiction books in the romance and mystery niches. Included in the sale is a portfolio of 248 different books and collections, comprising 38 different series under 3 pen names. Many of these series have substantial followings, with several books garnering over 1000 reviews and earning recognition in the KDP Select-All Stars program. The business demands only 5 hours per week from the operator, as it benefits from established procedures and a network of ghostwriters for developing new series.
*Please note that KDP, ACX, Ingram Spark, and Draft2Digital payments are delayed for 30-90 days, so there will be residual revenue due to the Seller. This will be reconciled during the migration process.
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The Semrush Domain Rank is a website's position in a list of every single website in Semrush's database, sorted by organic traffic. At present there are over 39 million websites in list. For reference, Empire Flippers ranks as the 96,500th most trafficked website in Semrush's database.
The total number of different domains (aka websites) linking to this site.
The Seller is willing to provide at least 30 of email and phone support.
The Seller would like to explore other opportunities.
Work Required Per Week: 5 Hours
Private Blog Network (PBN): No
Domain Type: None
Platform: Other
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