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Strategic Sally Buyer

Strategic Sally

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A Strategic Sally might be running multiple businesses, but they have one business that is their main earner. All of their businesses are somewhat related to each other as well, and Strategic Sallys use them to support each other.

Their ultimate goal with any acquisition is to buy a business that can help grow their other businesses. Or they might see an online business that their other businesses can significantly help to grow.

Let’s say, for example, the Strategic Sally does fitness coaching and also sells an online video course about personal training. In this situation, they might be interested in buying a site that sells fitness equipment.

All three businesses are different models, but all three are marketing different products to more or less the same market. Their coaching clients and video course students all are potential customers. Or they might use the more massive appeal of the website to serve as the initial funnel to upsell those customers into their video course or even their one-on-one fitness coaching.

If you can position your business as a way that will help them lift their other businesses to new heights, you will have a foot in the door with a Strategic Sally.

While Strategic Sallys are a bit rarer than other buyer personas, they do exist. Some sellers will create a list of buyers that might be interested in purchasing their business. Many people on this list will likely fit into the Strategic Sally category.

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