Apparel & Accessories, Beauty
Apparel & Accessories, Beauty
Business Started
16th of March, 2012
(12 years old)
Assets Included in the Sale
This listing is for an eCommerce and Amazon FBM business, established in March 2012 and operating in the apparel and beauty niches. The business features an industry pioneering and patented, locally sourced portfolio of 10 different body shaping products. The products are sold through Amazon, retail stores, as well as other eCommerce channels.
The company’s innovative product line has received extensive coverage in numerous media (like ABC Network's "Shark Tank") and publications within the beauty space. The products are sourced exclusively from a reputable US-based manufacturer and self-fulfilled and stored by the seller, with products having undergone safety inspection by an independent third party. The products have a demonstrated record of attracting impulse buyers.
The business exhibits strong profitability with profit margins consistently above 40% as well as a diversified revenue base consisting of Amazon (72%), eCommerce (10%) and sales to retailers (18%). The business is a significant opportunity for buyers looking to invest in a well-established, innovative, and financially sound business in the beauty and apparel space.
*Inventory is not normally included in the list price, further details can be provided to Unlockers.
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The Seller is willing to offer 180 days of email support and/or calls to ensure a smooth transition for the Buyer.
The Seller is retiring.
Work Required Per Week: 30 Hours
Private Blog Network (PBN): No
Domain Type: .com
Platform: Other
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