Art, Hobbies
Art, Hobbies
Business Started
1st of May, 2018
(5 years 11 months old)
Assets Included in the Sale
This listing is for an Amazon KDP, eCommerce, and subscription business created in May 2018 in the art and hobbies niches. The trademarked business includes two Amazon KDP accounts that feature adult coloring books with digital PDF sales and a subscription service. The top-selling books are highly rated with thousands of reviews and revenue is diversified and includes subscription sales. Also included in the sale is an email list with 55K subscribers and over 100K social media followers.
The business earns through Amazon KDP (77%), eCommerce (12%), and subscription (11%). eCommerce revenue is made by selling digital PDFs through the website. Subscription revenue is made through a membership site with monthly, yearly, and lifetime memberships. Members can also purchase single books and new members can sign up only a few times per year.
The Seller hires 6x freelance Illustrators, 1x copywriter, and 1x VA who would likely be willing to continue with the business. 2-4 new books are added each month, the Seller comes up with the themes and the illustrators create the books. The Seller notifies the email list when a new book is released and offers it at a discount for the first few days.
The Seller states that there is a growth opportunity for a Buyer with experience in paid ads and website growth to purchase this business. More information can be provided by contacting the Seller.
**The business has never encountered any legal challenges. KDP account #1 was suspended for one week in 2018 but Amazon never gave a detailed answer as to why that was. It’s believed by the Sellers that it had to do with their virtual assistant who was in charge of customer reviews and may have obtained them with methods that were not in line with Amazon’s Terms and Conditions. This individual was fired and the account was reinstated a week later. The account has never been suspended again and is in good standing.
**There are currently no books with copyright concerns. Both KDP accounts are in good standing. However, over the years there have been some books flagged.
***This business is not SBA eligible as it files taxes in Canada.
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The Semrush Domain Rank is a website's position in a list of every single website in Semrush's database, sorted by organic traffic. At present there are over 39 million websites in list. For reference, Empire Flippers ranks as the 96,500th most trafficked website in Semrush's database.
The total number of different domains (aka websites) linking to this site.
The Seller is willing to provide 45 days of email and phone support to ensure a smooth transition to a new owner
The Seller would like to move on to other business ventures
Work Required Per Week: 12 Hours
Private Blog Network (PBN): No
Domain Type: .com
Platform: Other
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