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Books, Children, Hobbies

For Sale

Books, Children, Hobbies

Amazon KDP
Listing Price $216,669
Monthly Multiple 35x
Pricing Periods 8 Months
Avg. Monthly Profit $6,191.00
Avg. Monthly Revenue $9,391.00
Profit Margin 66%

Business Started

1st of August, 2022
(1 year 8 months old)

Assets Included in the Sale

  • Amazon KDP account
  • Illustration agency introductions
  • Social media accounts/pages (Instagram)
Listing Details

Launched in August 2022, this Amazon KDP business has quickly established a significant presence in the children's book market, with 22 coloring books and storybooks. It has captured the imaginations of its young audience with a best-selling series of three coloring books encouraging children to explore their creativity. The top-selling book in this series is rated 4.7-star rating with 557 reviews. The passive business requires only 6 hours per week from the seller to monitor PPC campaigns and brainstorm new book ideas.

Financially, the business boasts an impressive 66% net profit margin. The illustrations/designs are outsourced to an agency, allowing for the maintenance of a diverse and high-quality product range but has also enabled the business to scale without significantly increasing the operational workload. This strategic approach to content creation and advertising, combined with the significant positive customer feedback, positions the business for continued growth and success within the lucrative children's book niche on Amazon KDP.

*Please note that KDP, ACX, Ingram Spark, and Draft2Digital payments are delayed for 30-90 days, so there will be residual revenue due to the Seller. This will be reconciled during the migration process.

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Seller Questions & Answers
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  • Expanding the top-selling book series
  • Building social media accounts
  • Amazon algorithm changes could cause traffic to fluctuate
Work & Skills Required
  • Monitoring PPC campaigns
  • Brainstorming new book ideas
Seller Support Includes

The Seller is willing to offer 30 days of email support and/or calls to ensure a smooth transition for the Buyer. Additionally, the seller is willing to assist with the launch of 10 new books throughout 2024.

Reason for Sale

The Seller would like to explore other opportunities.

Other Information

Work Required Per Week: 6 Hours

Private Blog Network (PBN): No

Domain Type: None

Platform: Other

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