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For Sale


Amazon KDP
Listing Price $1,521,497
Monthly Multiple 30x
Pricing Periods 12 Months
Avg. Monthly Profit $50,717.00
Avg. Monthly Revenue $82,858.00
Profit Margin 61%

Business Started

6th of January, 2017
(7 years 2 months old)

Assets Included in the Sale

  • Amazon KDP account - 50 ebooks, 40 physical books
  • Domain and all site content/files
  • Email list ( 50K + subscribers )
  • Facebook account
  • SOPs
Listing Details

This listing is for an Amazon KDP business created in January 2017 in the romance niche. The included Amazon KDP account features 50 ebooks and 40 physical copy books related to romance and fiction. Thanks to a team of 5 ghostwriters, 3 translators, 2 editors, 2 virtual assistants, and 1 cover designer the Seller currently spends 12 hours per week maintaining the business.

As mentioned above, the Seller has a large team covering all aspects of the business in terms of required tasks to produce, edit, and publish all new content publishing two books per month currently (one in the US and one in the DE market). The Seller currently focuses on researching which tropes to use for the next book and manages the process of passing the files from one VA to the next until the final product is ready to be published. Amazon KDP handles all the publishing aspects for the business in a fully automated way.

The business includes a large email list containing 16,000 subscribers in Manychat DE, 5500 subscribers in Manychat US, 30,000 subscribers in Mailerlite US, 4,000 subscribers in Mailerlite DE, and 1,500 subscribers in Mailerlite DE for the second pen name. More information will be provided to active depositors.

*The account was suspended for 3 days in August 2015 because of a copyright issue for a non-fiction pen name that the seller was previously using and due to an unreliable ghostwriter. The issue got resolved and the account was reinstated.

*The publishing schedule for 2020 is nearly complete. 12 books for the US and 10 books for the DE market already written and translated plus several covers ready.

Gross Revenue
Net Profit
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6 Months
12 Months
All time
Site Traffic
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Unique Users

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Semrush Analytical Data
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Authority Score
Semrush Domain Rank
Number of Referring Domains
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Number of Backlinks
Number of Referring Pages
Backlinks - Anchor Texts
Backlinks - Image Anchor
Backlinks - User Generated Content
NoFollow Backlinks
DoFollow Backlinks
% DoFollow Links
Number of Organic Keywords
Number of SERP Feature Keywords
Number of Keywords ranking in Google Position
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Semrush's Authority Score is a compound metric used for measuring a domain's overall quality and SEO performance. It's based on a series of metrics that prove trustworthiness and authority.

Unlike other similar SEO industry metrics, the Semrush Authority Score is the least manipulable because in addition to link quality (3 levels deep) it also takes into account organic traffic data and any spam signals that might be present.

The Semrush Domain Rank is a website's position in a list of every single website in Semrush's database, sorted by organic traffic. At present there are over 39 million websites in list. For reference, Empire Flippers ranks as the 96,500th most trafficked website in Semrush's database.

The total number of different domains (aka websites) linking to this site.

Seller Questions & Answers
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Seller Interview
  • Expanding into other markets
  • Publishing new books more often
  • Utilizing the large email list
  • Creating audio books
  • Amazon shutting down your Kindle account due to terms of service changes
  • Change in writers, writing styles, or book creation process could impact sales
Work & Skills Required
  • Running ads on Facebook
  • Managing a team of 5 freelance VAs
  • Monitoring analytics
  • Creating a publishing schedule
Seller Support Includes

- The Seller is willing to provide 60 days of email support and a Skype call once per week during that time to ensure a smooth transition. - In-depth video tutorials for all important aspects of the business to teach the new owner step-by-step how everything is done

Reason for Sale

The Seller would like to focus on other business opportunities.

Other Information

Work Required Per Week: 12 Hours

Private Blog Network (PBN): No

Domain Type: .com

Platform: Other

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