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EFP 190 - Founding Mercury Bank with Immad Akhund

EFP 190: Founding Mercury Bank w/ Immad Akhund

Justin Cooke September 12, 2019

In this episode, I talk with successful startup founder Immad Akhund about his background and latest company — Mercury Bank. Joe recently had a chat with Immad, and we jumped at the idea of having him come onto the show.

Immad is a 4-time founder and recently exited HeyZap for $45M. Instead of retiring, he decided to launch another startup — Mercury.

Mercury is a bank for startups with benefits that separate it from the competition. Listen in to learn more about how the business got started, its future plans, and what it takes to repeatedly launch successful businesses.

Immad has a fascinating story and tons of great advice, so this is an episode you don’t want to miss. You can listen to it below.

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Topics Discussed This Week:

  • Background/Story
  • Starting A Bank
  • Benefits Of Mercury (Vs. The Competition)
  • What’s The Long-Term Plan For Mercury?



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“The people that actually serve the customer are the ones that are worth the most money,  pretty much across the board, when it comes to fintech.” – Immad – Tweet This!

“Pretty much, we’re the only way to sign up online to a US business bank account.” – Immad – Tweet This!

“One of the things that’s fun about Mercury and why I want to do it is: banking is unbounded…there’s just so many places to go.” – Immad – Tweet This!

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