Entertainment, News & Education
Entertainment, News & Education
Business Started
2nd of March, 2018
(6 years 1 month old)
Assets Included in the Sale
This listing is for a YouTube business monetized via AdSense - created in March 2018 in the Entertainment and News & Education niches. There are four YouTube channels included in the business - two of the larger channels target English-speaking audiences and two of the smaller channels are in non-English languages however are largely translated versions of the English videos.
The YouTube channels feature entertainment content related to celebrities and popular culture. This business has occasional "viral" videos - which results in some unpredictability/spikes in views, however, this is typical of most YouTube channels.
Steady revenue can be seen from the English-speaking channels - with some additional revenue earned from the non-English-speaking channels.
The current seller has a team of writers, designers, and video editors working on the business to outsource most of the video creation process.
*We recommend interested Buyers have an approved Adsense account to aid a successful migration of the business
We have no data for this site
Email sales@empireflippers.com to make a unique offer on this listing.
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The Semrush Domain Rank is a website's position in a list of every single website in Semrush's database, sorted by organic traffic. At present there are over 39 million websites in list. For reference, Empire Flippers ranks as the 96,500th most trafficked website in Semrush's database.
The total number of different domains (aka websites) linking to this site.
The Seller is willing to offer 90 days of email support and/or calls to ensure a smooth transition for the Buyer. The seller will also prepare to deliver a presentation with comprehensive information about the niche, as well as insights gained from our years of experience.
The Seller would like to explore other opportunities.
Work Required Per Week: 40 Hours
Private Blog Network (PBN): No
Domain Type: None
Platform: YouTube
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