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For Sale
Business, Legal, Retail & Wholesale
Digital Product, eCommerce
Business, Legal, Retail & Wholesale $482,970.00
Digital Product, eCommerce
Monthly Net Profit
Monthly Revenue
Digital Product, eCommerce
Monthly Multiple
Business Created

This listing is for a Digital Product and eCommerce business created in September 2014 in the busine... Read more

Profit (12 months) -35%
Revenue (12 months) -30%
Traffic (1 month) -20%
For Sale
Travel, Lifestyle
Digital Product, Subscription, Info Product, Affiliate, Amazon Associates
Travel, Lifestyle $474,136.00
Digital Product, Subscription, Info Product, Affiliate, Amazon Associates
Monthly Net Profit
Monthly Revenue
Digital Product, Subscription, Info Product, Affiliate, Amazon Associates
Monthly Multiple
Business Created

This listing is for a digital product and affiliate business created in October 2017 in the travel a... Read more

Profit (12 months) 37%
Revenue (12 months) 19%
Traffic (12 months) 33%
For Sale
Business, Digital Media
Digital Product
Business, Digital Media $346,981.00
Digital Product
Monthly Net Profit
Monthly Revenue
Digital Product
Monthly Multiple
Business Created

This listing is for a digital product business created in October 2022 in the business and digital m... Read more

Profit (9 months) 29%
Revenue (9 months) 18%
Traffic (5 months) 12%
For Sale
Legal, Information
Digital Product
Legal, Information $198,437.00
Digital Product
Monthly Net Profit
Monthly Revenue
Digital Product
Monthly Multiple
Business Created

This listing is for a digital product business created in February 2016 in the legal and information... Read more

Profit (12 months) -1%
Revenue (12 months) 4%
Traffic (6 months) 4%
For Sale
Display Advertising, Affiliate, Amazon Associates, Application, Digital Product, Subscription
Gaming $ Make Offer
Display Advertising, Affiliate, Amazon Associates, Application, Digital Product, Subscription
$ Make Offer
Monthly Net Profit
Monthly Revenue
Display Advertising, Affiliate, Amazon Associates, Application, Digital Product, Subscription
Monthly Multiple
Business Created

This listing is for a Display Advertising, Amazon Associate, Affiliate, and Digital Product business... Read more

Profit (12 months) 101%
Revenue (12 months) 72%
Traffic (12 months) 42%
Sales last 30 days
Listings Sold
Sales Overall

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Buying a Digital Product Business

A digital product is any product that can be downloaded by a customer. Think e-books, documents, and audio files. There are many options when it comes to selling digital products.

This is one of the reasons why digital product businesses have become desirable business models. People can instantly receive products that they enjoy and learn from, or that save them time.

It also takes the work out of having to stock and deliver products. Instead, customers complete the purchase and the item is ready to download.

Creating these products can take a bit of time, and you need to be able to market them. Often the hardest part of selling online is getting your products in front of buying customers.

If you want to buy a digital product business, you can skip ahead and select one that already has products and a market share. This means that it’s already making money, allowing you to collect profit or concentrate on improving the business.

How to Buy a Digital Product Business

To make the most of our marketplace, you’ll need to sign up for an account.

This will allow you to use the full range of features, including the ability to filter results by listing price, creation date, and monthly net profit. Setting up filters will help display only businesses that meet your buying criteria.

Feel free to browse through the listings to see what’s available. Leaving the filter options open will show all the digital product businesses we currently have for sale. New listings get added every Monday, so make sure to check back regularly if you can’t find anything.

Individual listings aim to reveal as much information about the business as possible without going into specifics. If something interests you, then you can unlock the listing to reveal the last few details.

You can also set up a call with one of our sales team members or arrange a conversation with the seller if you have any final questions. With these questions answered, you can go ahead and purchase a digital product business.

What to Look For

The assets section will give you an overview of everything that’s included in the sale.

Since digital product businesses are so diverse, it’s a good idea to jump into the listing description to find more information. This will describe the platform the business runs on and the type of products being sold.

It’s common to see digital products combined with other monetization methods. If these are incorporated in the business, the listing description will break them down. If they aren’t, consider adding them to boost profit.

Take a look at the opportunities section for more ideas on how to grow the business.

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Ace Chapman
Ace Chapman

“ Some of the huge fears actually are that the numbers could be faked. Empire Flippers are validating that the real revenue is there, the real profit is there. ”

Travis Jamison
Travis Jamison Founder of Smash Digital and

“ There are so many things that can go wrong selling your site and even as a buyer. They are facilitating that whole process for you, it’s so hands off and it’s worth every penny in my opinion. Let them guide you through the process, you’re gonna love the results. ”

Rob Atkinson
Rob Atkinson

“ Without Empire Flippers I could have never pulled this off. ”

Charlie Ives
Charlie Ives

“ All the best deals in one place. ”

Trevor Koverko
Trevor Koverko Digital Assets

“ The only broker that offered affordable and quality websites was Empire Flippers. ”


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