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How Will You Know You Have Interested Buyers?

How Will You Know You Have Interested Buyers

One of the common questions we get from potential sellers is how will they know people are looking at their business.

It’s a fair question.

If you’re looking to sell your business with us and go through the entire vetting process to be listed on our marketplace, then the thing you want to see the most is the actual activity you have on your listings.

We want to do the majority of the heavy lifting for you, so a lot of what we’re doing to sell your business is happening behind-the-scenes while you continue to work on the business or your other projects. After all, we want to make the experience seem as seamless as possible for you.

In your Seller Dashboard you’ll be able to see stats like how many views the listing got for the week and how many verified buyers have your listing unlocked.

When your listing first goes live, expect the page views and the verified buyers doing due diligence to be somewhat higher than in the following weeks. This happens because of the marketing push we do for all new listings that go live; you’re fresh on the market and our database of buyers will be attracted to the new listing.


What Happens if I Don’t See Many Verified Buyers Unlocking My Listing?

After that first marketing push is done, you’ll likely see less verified buyers unlocking your listing in the following weeks than that crucial first week on the market.

At first, this might sound worrying. Don’t you want to see an active stream of new unlocks on your business?

In theory, you would. However, the truth is you want the RIGHT kind of buyer looking at your business to make sure none of your time is being wasted. Our team of business analysts are busy making calls, scheduling meetings, and showcasing your business to potential buyers. But, they are doing it in such a way that saves you the maximum amount of time from having to answer repetitive questions (although there will always be a few).

Our best advice is to be patient.

You might not see a whole slew of new unlocks every week, and that is okay. In fact, the majority of our businesses that sell often only have a handful of verified buyers unlock the listing during their time on our marketplace.

Keep in mind it can take time for a verified buyer to complete their due diligence. A verified buyer that unlocked your listing and started their due diligence during that first week your business went live, might end up being the actual buyer a few weeks later.

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